Award-winning design
wodtke have regularly won awards from leading design juries for many years.

Award-winning wood-burning stoves
Award-winning pellet stoves
Expressive Minimalism
wodtke has been honoured by international juries for decades. Design is a key focus of the wodtke brand. We want to create lasting value, not just set trends. At wodtke, design is always associated with our commitment to sustainability. We are proud to call our aesthetic "expressive minimalism".
Constantly striving for ever more perfect, ever more efficient, and ever more beautiful products with puristic design, innovative technology, high quality, and exemplary sustainability has become our trademark. More and more consumers are recognising the modern appeal of these values - and adopting them as their own. With all the passion we invest in designing our products, it's no wonder that people fall in love with them - they are the expression of a wide range of emotions.
Even if we're only helping to create a small portion of your home, we hold our products to the highest design standards: After all, people shouldn't have to adapt themselves to a design - design should adapt to human needs. With this principle in mind, the products created in our design incubator have always been the result of an ongoing process and intensive teamwork. Designers, model-makers, metalworkers, and technicians - all of them passionate people - complement one another and support one another with their understanding of trends and their ecological approach. Design has to be useful; but it should also be fun.
We develop products whose materiality and puristic design naturally reflects the character of wood, an eco-friendly fuel. Our products fulfil technical specifications and legal requirements, often helping drive international standards and norms forward. Despite their functional appearance and technical elegance, our products convey lively emotions, creating ample space for your own unique conception of sophisticated living. Just as Prometheus once did, we love pushing the boundaries of the possible and the traditional - for the good of people.